Key businesses

Creativity and Change/For further creation and innovation

Along with globalization, clients demand more. They go on with product outsourcing with companies capable of providing technical or comprehensive solution, and high-quality, value-added products.
For corporations that attempt to radically change stance for business, F&F stands on the same footing as them, grasp their needs, plan product structure, and make proposal. We do product development and manufacture making the most of our unique "mobile power", to play a role of the real business partner.

Key businesses:図
Trust from clients can be obtained when high product power is combined with high technical/sales skills.

We would normally want to be confident with products that we sell.
High product power enables us to talk attractive words to get clients' attention.

To touch the hearts of clients, we need more than product knowledge - an expert knowledge, putting ourselves into the clients' position. Also, we always need to catch up with new information.
Another thing is to provide information and products beneficial to the clients.
Our sales staffs provide valuable information and products in addition to the sales skills.